Writing is now The Fluff

Aren’t you all sick of this shit?

Michael Anfang
2 min readMar 20, 2022
credit: author

Forgive the drama. You can all say suck it up, it’s what everyone does, and there’s plenty of good reasons for it — and you’d be right.

As It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia said — there’s a spider living in my soul. (Give the song a google).

Medium destroyed my desire to write authentically. I’m working on getting it back, but don’t have a clear path — and that’s ok. When your income isn’t dependent on writing, you can do whatever you want, take whatever breaks you want, and bitch about whatever you want — cause you don’t need it.

I don’t want to win you over. I don’t give a shit about what you think. At the same time, I do — I want you to hear what I’m saying, and why I’m saying it. I want you to be drawn in by the artistry and authenticity and highlight just the right portions and select the right boldness or italics to emphasize what I want.

Sometimes I’d even highlight things like this to get the point. And I can never tell why people put this kind of thing out-of-order, emphasizing something they wrote awhile ago— it feels like it just throws off the flow. I’m sure there’s a psychological reason.

This shouldn’t stop me from writing. Writing used to be therapy. It used to be zen, chi, other words that I could write more about if I just consumed more of the right content on Medium and understood what the zeitgeist was up to so I could say the right things.

I wrote naturally. I wrote from my heart. I didn’t try and anticipate anything.

None of this is your fault. It’s mine. I hope I can do it again soon.

